Wednesday 14 September 2011

Hello. It's just us.

Just a quickie to say 'HELLOOOOOOOOO'.

'Crocks and Crafts' is the name we three have chosen to work under when we launch ourselves on an unsuspecting public next month. 

We three..?

Well there's Kath, who worked in the needlework shop in Lichfield (under it's various names and three different owners) for 27 years.  She is a superb needlewoman and makes the most amazing clothes from vintage Vogue patterns.  Now she's embarking on her new career she'll be creating gorgeous handbags, fascinators and corsages, as well as tea cosies!

Sandra still works at the needlework shop and she is a magpie extraordinaire.  She loves anything with a vintage vibe and has sourced loads of pretty china - perfect for taking afternoon tea.  She is also hooked on crochet (aah that pun - I never tire of it!) so expect to see some of her fab flower brooches, accessories and tea cosies.

And number 3 is me.  Lindsey aka 'ethel and edna'.  I worked  with these two lovely ladies at the needlework shop.  I'll have my usual 'e&e' handmade goodies for sale - dolls, pincushions, needlecases, bunting and so on.  I may even have a tea cosy!!

We're soooooo chuffed to be working together again and our first outing will be at Birmingham Vintage, Crafts and Collectibles Extravaganza on October 15th.  Click on the link for more details.  There will be 60 stalls filled with vintage loveliness and hand crafted goodies.  We can't wait.

Hope to see you there.

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